Dealing With Stress in College

College is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life. However, it can be extremely stressful as well.

There are papers, exams and odd living arrangements. For many people it is their first time out on their own, so they feel like they don’t have the safety net that they did at home.

I remember thinking that I wouldn’t survive college. I imagined myself calling my parents to come bring me home because I had quit.

However, I did graduate, and I am living and working in the world of young professionals.

So, here are three simple things that I did to survive four years in college:

1. Throughout college, I can easily say I went to the gym just about every day. It was my escape. I may not look like a gym rat, and in fact I’m not all that healthy, but spending twenty minutes on the elliptical or lifting weights just made everything go away.

There is science behind the claim that physical activity helps reduce stress, but I honestly think it is something much simpler than that.

Going to the gym gave me something to have control over in my life. I could do it when I wanted to and when I was at the gym, I could do what I wanted.

It was also one of the rare moments throughout the day that I could focus on just me.

2. One of the best things I did in college was joining the Student Government Association. It felt good to know I was doing a good thing and accomplishing our goals.

Joining a club or organization can be a great way to help overcome stress. It’s refreshing to be surrounded by people who are interested in the same thing you are. It is good to feel a sense of accomplishment. Not to mention you are doing something that you enjoy doing.

3. Some of the best nights in college, were the nights when I stayed in and did nothing. I would lie in bed and watch TV or a movie. I wouldn’t recommend doing this every night because human interaction is crucial. However, every once in a while it’s great to just be alone and watching a movie.

I preferred the sappy ones that made me cry. I’m sure there is a lot that could be read into that, but the next morning I just felt so refreshed and ready to tackle whatever school could throw at me.

College is an exciting and stressful time in life. It is important to go crazy and push your limits to find out who you are and what you really want out of life. Just don’t forget to set some time aside for yourself.

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