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69 posts
What Is Crisis Strength?
If you have ever heard stories of Mothers hurling vehicles off of their children trapped beneath, then you…
The KISS Principle: Keep It Short And Simple
The KISS Principle was originally devised by Kelly Johnson as a ‘design principle’ that aimed to help guide…
Why Are Paper Cuts So Painful?
It’s a horrible feeling getting a paper cut. You’re normally going through a mundane motion – flicking through…
What Is the ‘Mind Muscle Connection’ Theory?
If you want to push yourself further and enjoy some more intensive workouts, then looking into new training…
Do You Really Need to Cover the Seat When Using Public Toilets?
When you were younger and you still went to public toilets with your parents (I’m assuming that doesn’t…
What Would Happen to You If You Never Went Outside?
These days technology is getting to the point where it can do a huge amount for us. In…
Effects of Novelty and Danger on the Brain – The Best Type of ‘Natural High’
All of us want to feel more alive and invigorated and everyone feels great when they’re completely focused…
What Is Enlightenment?
It is not uncommon to hear people talking about enlightenment, and particularly in the context of meditation and…
An Introduction to Graphology
Graphology is the study of handwriting with the aim of discerning the personality of the writer. In other…