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79 posts
Benefits of ‘Negative’ Mental States
We have a tendency to think of our brain states as being either positive or negative. That is…
Tips to Prevent Exam Stress
For some people, even the thought of having to take an exam may cause stress. Some people even…
Need Serious & Effective Stress Management Techniques? Look No Further, Here Are 7!
Stress management seems to have become mandatory in this technically advanced yet pressure filled day and age. Our…
What Is the Diathesis Stress Model?
The diathesis stress model is a psychological model that attempts to explain why we develop mental disorders. The…
What Is Eustress? Why You Need a Little More Stress in Your Life!
Most of us consider stress to be a bad thing. When we hear about it, it’s normally in…
How Stress Can Sometimes Be a Positive Thing
No one likes being stressed, and in the build-up to an exam, a driving test or even a…
Is Geopathic Stress Real?
Geopathic stress is a type of stress that allegedly comes about as a result of the environment. This…
How to Breathe Correctly for Less Stress and Improved Health
Most of us are pretty confident that we know how to breathe. I mean, chances are that you’re…
How to De-Stress – Simple Steps to Find Calm When You Need It
Experiencing distress? Then you need to de-stress! Stress is a serious problem and something that can affect us…