The Mystery of Consciousness
“Consciousness,” writes the American philosopher Daniel Dennett, “is just about the last surviving mystery.” Many people find such…
Are You Dating a Psychopath?
Imagine you have just met the man of your dreams. He is tall, handsome, and clever. One night…
The Art of Small Talk
Of all the life skills, few are so underrated or needed so often as the ability to make…
Do You Have ‘Victim Mentality’? Here’s How to Overcome It
Most people find life difficult, and the odd bout of self-pity is quite understandable. Unfortunately, many turn this…
Charming Personality – The Traits of Charming People
“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad” says a character in Oscar Wilde’s Lady Windermere’s…
Coping With Bad Days
Have you ever had ‘one of those days’? A day in which everything seemed to go wrong: dark,…
How to Avoid Being Boring
Given the choice, most people would rather be labelled rude, antagonistic, or even arrogant than boring. The sense…
The Different Forms of Intelligence
Most people assume that intelligence is a simple matter: there are dim people, average people, and clever people.…
The Avoidant Personality Disorder
Experts disagree on the precise nature of the avoidant personality disorder. Some regard it as nothing more than…