Benefits of Keeping a Diary
Writing a diary is something that many of us did when we were younger, but in many cases…
Some Strategies to Help You Achieve Self-Actualization
Self-actualization is a term used in psychology to describe a state of being where you feel you are…
The Ego Defense Mechanisms
Freud in my mind gets something of a bad rap. His obsession with sexuality is something that unfortunately…
Reigning in Impulse Purchases
Being impulsive is not always a bad thing. Indeed if it weren’t for my occasional impulsive decision then…
Fear of Getting Old – How to Deal With It?
Getting old is something that happens to all of us and like death and taxes is sadly inevitable.…
Pros and Cons of Gap Year
Going on a gap year is an incredibly enticing prospect for some. If you have the ‘travel bug’…
How to Say NO to People
Most of us, even the most independent and confident, are overcome by an overwhelming urge to please others,…
Dealing With Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is a strangely paradoxical phenomenon. On the one hand when we experience peer pressure we feel…
How to Handle People Who Play Mind Games With You
We’ve all been on the receiving end of mind games, and we’ve all experienced people who like to…